Practical Guide for SMEs in Central America and Panama. Have at your fingertips the best tips and tips to continue improving your business.
This book is an educational guide for the educator who wants to carry out his lessons in an effective and professional way.
Book Fund Spain SICA. Find out about the news and activities of this Spanish organization.
Book of Public Health, written by Francoise Barten, Mario Rovere and Eduardo Espinoza. Learn more about this topic from the point of view of these avid Salvadoran researchers.
This book is a manual of good practices for tourist SMEs in Central America. Take a look and learn the tips to improve your sales.
Book of Public Health, written by Francoise Barten, Mario Rovere and Eduardo Espinoza. Learn more about this topic from the point of view of these avid Salvadoran researchers.
Legislative Observatory of the UNDP. Learn a little more about this area of Salvadoran society.
This book is about exhibitions of tapestries by Inuit artists from Canada. Learn a little about this cave art and its mythology and workmanship.
In this book you will find adobe as a form of house construction in El Salvador, with the aim of improving technology in the construction of earthquake-resistant housing.
Ali Baba, a poor Arabian woodcutter, overhears a large band of thieves (forty in all) visiting his treasure hut in the forest where he cut wood. The treasure of the thieves is in a cave whose mouth is magically sealed: it opens with the words "Open, Sesame" and closes with "Close, Sesame". When the thieves leave, Ali Baba enters the cave and takes part of the treasure home.
Once upon a time there was a forest where many animals lived and where they were all very friendly. One morning a little rabbit named Tambor went to wake the owl to go see a small fawn that had just been born.
Dorita was a girl who lived on a farm in Kansas with her uncles and her dog named Toto. One day, while the girl was playing with the dog around the house, nobody noticed that a tornado was approaching. When Dorita saw him, I try to run towards the house, but her attempt to escape was in vain. The girl stumbled, fell and ended up being carried along with the dog, by the tornado. The uncles saw Dorita and Toto disappear in heaven, they could not do anything to avoid it. Dorita and her dog traveled through the tornado and landed in a place totally unknown to them. There, they met some strange characters and a fairy who, responding to Dorita's desire to find their way back to their home, advised them to visit the Wizard of Oz. They indicated a yellow brick road, and Dorita and Toto followed.
One afternoon, Goldilocks went to the forest and began to pick flowers. Nearby, there was a very pretty hut, and like Goldilocks was a very curious girl, she walked step by step to the door of the cottage, and pushed.
Once upon a time, in a very distant kingdom, a queen who gave birth to a beautiful girl. The kings invited all the fairies of the kingdom to the baptism but, unfortunately, they forgot to invite the most evil. In spite of not having been invited, the evil fairy appeared in the palace and, when passing in front of the crib of the little girl, he cast a curse saying: "When you turn sixteen you will prick yourself with a spindle and you will die." Upon hearing that, a good fairy who was nearby, pronounced an enchantment in order to mitigate the terrible condemnation: "By pricking herself instead of dying, the girl will remain asleep for a hundred years and only the kiss of a handsome prince will wake her up.
At the bottom of the oceans there was a beautiful palace where the King of the Sea lived with his five daughters, beautiful sirens. The youngest, the Little Mermaid, besides being the most beautiful, possessed a wonderful voice. When he sang, all the inhabitants of the bottom of the sea came to listen to her. In addition to singing, Little Mermaid dreamed of surfacing to see the sky and learn about the world of men, as her sisters related. But his father told him that only when he turned 15 would he have his permission to do so.